Almost entirely self taught beginnin’ at age 12, Mark Brown sought out to emulate the best of the best.“Phil Lesh is the reason I play bass guitar,” Mark says. “I would most likely still be primarily playing lead guitar or maybe something else if it was not for his inspiration. I learned a lot from the Grateful Dead. I have too many favorite Dead songs to narrow it down to just one. They tapped into and mixed many traditional styles while creating their own in the process."
An original Whiskey Bender, Mark met Jim Eaton in the late 90′s while catching each others’ band performances. In the early 2000′s, they finally got the chance to play together. Their first gigs were three-piece performances. Slowly but surely, thanks to some smart networking, Mark and Jim gathered local talent to create the original Outlaw Jim and The Whiskey Benders.
“Through the years, with the group’s many ups and downs, I still feel as lucky as ever to share the stage with such talent,” Mark says. ”I have had some of my most memorable moments with these guys and I am proud to call each of them my dear friend.On the side, Mark runs a landscaping business of 15 years and works on old electric organs. He also fills in from time to time with other local bands.
On Mark’s personal playlist: Rex Hobart and the Misery Boys, Allman Brothers, and Dale Watson.
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